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Brand, Product & Marketing Package

DIY & Hair Dye

A group of 14,000 members disappeared overnight—and robust brand identity, product development and marketing plans laid the foundation to turn this former group into a business all its own.



Internal Client

DIY & Hair Dye

DIY & Hair Dye was a thriving, 14,000-member hair and style community hosted on Myspace, built and managed by Geena Matuson. The community featured a resource hub and public forum full of industry professionals sharing knowledge with avid DIY'ers. When Myspace was sold, forums disappeared overnight—DIY & Hair Dye was gone.

10 years later, Geena still received messages from whose who remembered the Myspace-hosted group. Keyword "DIY and Hair Dye" was searched at least 20 times per month on Google; the brand had a readymade audience for a new platform on the internet.


Revive Brand into New Business and Products

Geena wanted to turn the disappeared brand into a business all its own, giving its former members a new internet home—with new products to go with it. The brand needed both a central hub, and a way of notifying its former members.


Brand, Product and Marketing Package

The original forum served as a successful model for the future business, which would focus on a membership-based community forum website designed and developed to act as its own social network. New products would also be developed: blog, newsletter, and digital magazine. In order to generate—and even revive—brand awareness and action, a robust audience development and digital marketing plan with channel-based strategies for launch and growth were created.


Completed MVP

The MVP ("minimum viable product") was completed in preparation for the re-launch of the brand as its own website platform, and company. This included: brand identity with 24-page brand book; web-based product templates for newsletter, magazine, website, and 60-page marketing plan.


Brand, Product & Marketing Package


Brand strategy, identity and development; created target audience and customer personas; generated multi-platform brand development plan; designed brand kit (logo, colors, typography), all visuals, graphics and written copy for brand; 24-page brand book to maintain brand across all initiatives.


Research, UX/UI, product development, content and template creation, and A/B testing of all web products: website, membership community, free and premium content, newsletter, and digital magazine.


Strategy, planning, development, content and budgeting for 60-page marketing plan with digital strategy for both free and premium customer journeys across multiple platforms; SEO/SEM keyword research based on targeting; cross-platform user flow conversions; landing pages designed for Google display ad campaigns.


Designed awareness advertising campaign with OKRs and KPI measurement plans per platform and across channels: display, email, organic and paid social, organic search (SEO) and paid search (SEM) in line with marketing plan and based on industry research.


Established brand voice and tone; wrote all copy for internal and external brand communications, and products for all platforms and channels across print, web, digital and social.


Developed and designed alpha version of responsive, mobile-first website in WordPress, creating a forum membership community with paywall for premium membership content.


Visual Samples

Brand Development

Researched and developed target audience with customer personas, generating multi-platform brand development plan.

Brand Identity & Strategy

Established brand voice and tone; designed all visuals, graphics and written copy formatted into 24-page brand book to maintain consistency across print, web, digital and social.

Product & Website Development

Research, UX/UI, content, template creation, and A/B testing of all web products. Developed alpha version of responsive, mobile-first website with forum membership community.

User Flow Conversion

Cross-platform user flow conversion for paid and organic marketing demonstrates multi-platform brand strategy.

Marketing & Advertising

Strategy, planning, development, content and budgeting for 60-page marketing plan with digital strategy for all customer segments with SEO/SEM keyword focus.

Marketing Measurement

Designed awareness advertising campaign with OKRs and KPI measurement plans per platform and across channels: display, email, organic and paid social, organic search (SEO) and paid search (SEM) in line with marketing plan.


Part of the marketing plan, newsletter strategy was created, with metrics and benchmarks set based on industry research.



The Content Consultant

A Geena Media brand, The Content Consultant is Geena Matuson as strategic management, marketing and creative consultant for your content, your brand—you.

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