Video Production
The Robber
This short video uses comedy as a means to comment on social norms and societal perceptions.
Geena Media Studios
A Geena Media division, Geena Media Studios produces and manages all film, video and audio productions including scripting, pre-production through to post-production, publishing and distribution. A focus on human insight and social commentary, content can range from comedic videos to documentary podcasting, social media shorts to video art and audio soundscapes.
The Robber
What happens when a "robber" wants a ride to the bank? A young man heads home for the night – but he's "taken for a ride" by the robber. The Robber is a short video using comedy as a means to comment on social norms and societal perceptions.
A Fake Bank Heist
In order to film a fake robbery with a fake gun in a real bank parking lot at night, the bank was contacted and provided all film information to compound the professionalism and legitimacy of the project. In turn, the bank provided a permit. When filming late at night, a police officer drove by and politely questioned us—luckily, the filming permit was on-hand. Because we were using a gun prop in the film, the crew was careful to specify we were "filming" a video rather than "shooting" a video.
However, all of the footage corrupted, and the entire film needed to be reshot. Luckily, the bank provided additional permissions, the cast was available and willing—and the footage from the second filming resulted in this award-winning short.
Video Production
Wrote both original and shooting scripts in script format with software Final Draft.
Producing & Funding
Research, strategy, development and execution for film product and distribution. Funding allocation; casting director; hired cast and crew; location scouting; permissions and contracts; securing equipment.
Worked with DP ("Director of Photography") to create shot lists coordinated with script; scheduled cast and crew; created call sheets; coordinated location use.
Directed cast, crew and DP on set and on location within designated timeframe and scheduling.
Post-Production & Sound Design
Video file management; video editing in Final Cut Pro; color grading; sound design and mixing including foley audio, sound effects, and music.
Publishing & Distribution
Final film distributed to 3 screenings, auto-generating an IMDb film page; after screenings, film was published online with social media.

Joseph Rebola as ‘Robber’
Sam Weiner as ‘Driver’
Producer, Writer & Director: Geena Matuson
Director of Photography: Adam DePalma
Music: Electrocute – ‘Shag Ball’
Post-Production & Sound Design: Geena Matuson

Shows & Awards
2014 | REVOLUTION, RAW: Natural Born Artists, Club Rumor, Boston MA, US
2013 | Boston Local Student Spotlight, Filmshift Festival, Somerville Theatre, Somerville MA, US
2012 | Get Your Shoot Together, Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Boston MA, US

Geena Media Studios
A Geena Media division, Geena Media Studios produces and manages all film, video and audio productions including scripting, pre-production through to post-production, publishing and distribution.
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